Renaming a variable on a Blueprint will reset that variable's value on any Child BPs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 25, 2023

If a variable is renamed on a blueprint, then any child blueprints will lose their default values for that variable and reset to the parent's default value. This resetting only happens with the Chi ...

AGV Condition Proxies ignore moving actors

Audio-Gameplay-Engineering - Mar 24, 2023

Sounds attached to moving actors do not appear to be respecting custom AGV conditions. ...

AutoCreateRefTerm pin type isn't preserved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Mar 14, 2023

The use of AutoCreateRefTerm will dynamically change the return type of this function. However, it appears that we lose this type information after node expansion. If you view enable developer artif ...

Editor Preferences export failing

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 14, 2023

Editor preferences are not successfully exporting in //UE5/Release-5.1 This issue is occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.1 at CL 23901901 This issue is NOT occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.0 at ...

Postprocess volume priority bug

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 13, 2023

Right-clicking a DataAsset Based on a Blueprint Class can Crash the Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 7, 2023

The editor can crash when you attempt to open the context menu for a data asset based on a blueprint class. This happens only if the blueprint class the data asset is based on is not currently loade ...

[Python] Entry items are not displayed when sub-menus are added to the "LevelEditor.ActorContextMenu" section.

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 6, 2023

When the [Actor] menu is opened, the menu of the added entry can be displayed. When the [Actor] menu is opened from the LevelEditor's Outliner, it is not displayed.  Solution: Add the required menu ...

Investigate adding support for more flexible condition properties in the Material Editor.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 23, 2023

The user has added a property to material expressions input node that has a complex expression in its "EditCondition" which isn't supported and results in a crash. Investigate adding support to thi ...

Fixing a Blueprint's compilation error after editor reload causes instances to lose transform

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2023

Saving and reloading a Blueprint instance with a compilation error, a.k.a., "Bad Blueprint" will lead to a transform reset when the Blueprint is successfully recompiled. ...