Incorrect Root Motion Rotation on AnimSequences created with Sequence Recorder

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 11, 2016

Incorrect Root Motion Rotation on AnimSequences created with Sequence Recorder ...

Packaging a plugin from Plugins Editor UI wipes the target folder before packaging

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Sep 23, 2016

"Package Plugin" from Plugin Editor UI will wipe the target folder’s contents first then populate it with plugin files. User was expecting “Package Project” like behavior: Create a new folder in th ...

Print String on Event Tick not working as expected with Cinematic Camera Actor in Blueprint

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 29, 2016

Print String does not persist when called on Event Tick within a Cinematic Camera Actor Blueprint. This could be problematic if users have a cinematic camera in their blueprints and using Event Tic ...

Blueprint Library plugin set to 'Runtime' doesn't work in Standalone/packaged builds if used inside of the 1st Person Character BP

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 18, 2016

Blueprint Library plugin set to 'Runtime' doesn't work in Standalone/packaged builds if used inside of the 1st Person Character BP. User Description: Blueprint libraries are still broken in the fi ...

Reimport Ignores Convert Scene Unit and Convert Scene Settings

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

When importing an FBX with a unit scale that is different from UE4's unit scale it will import correctly by unchecking Convert Scene Unit and leaving Convert Scene checked. If you reimport the mesh ...

Widget Interaction component cannot be moved while the game is paused

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 14, 2016

Widget Interaction component cannot be moved while the game is paused. The widget interaction component stops following the mouse when the game is paused (when source is set to mouse) ...

Consolidate ScreenSize code and refactor to avoid confusion

OLD - Anim - Aug 22, 2016

We do have very inconsistent system between Static/Skeletal and the current name is set for ScreenSize. However, Static mesh and HLOD are using ScreenSize name for Screen area calculation. We wan ...

Rocks in VehicleGame create unnatural physics reactions with the Vehicle.

Docs - Samples - Nov 10, 2016

The rocks in VehicleGame are causing the vehicle to have physics spasms by flipping and jumping the vehicle. ...

Setting foreground color for text in a text box does not appear to work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 26, 2016

Setting foreground color for text in a text box does not appear to work. The foreground color of the text does not appear to change when set to something other than the default via blueprints. Not ...

Second Animation Sample added to AimOffset or Blendspace swaps with the first sample

OLD - Anim - Oct 3, 2016

Second Animation Sample added to AimOffset or Blendspace swaps with the first sample Note: After adding a 3rd sample, they switch back to the correct position. Regression: Sort of. In previous ...